

hello english - misspelling preassigned!

this week is a working week - yeah the creativ output was great! so i'm quite happy right now....

okay probably i should explain - right now im working on my final year project for my studies! (whoooo!!) one part of this project will be a documentation of the progress and the development of it. so i thought it would be funny to make a picture of my desk every day. i will post those pictures on my blog beginning today - posting the last two days!! plus, i will post every now and then some little pieces of the stuff i'm working on right now. i dont want to spoil the whole thing, so i'm not telling you anything right now about the project itselfe - at least for now!

so here they are.... welcome to my kingdom of chaos!



... hm what could that be???


the best and cheers

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Herr Piffel, geil wie dein Schreibtisch auschaut, aber der 27. 2. lässt noch Hoffnung erstrahlen :-) Was hast du denn krankes mit dem Video vom Lukas und mir gemacht? Mir gefällt der Stlye voll! Schaut so Mystery aus mit meiner Melone und den Formen :-D